Palliative Care Queensland

PCQ MEDIA RELEASE: Inquiry into End of Life Care in Queensland

PCQ MEDIA RELEASE: 3 September 2018

Inquiry into End of Life Care in Queensland

Palliative Care Queensland (PCQ), the peak body for palliative care in the state, welcomes the Inquiry into End of Life Care announced by Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, said PCQ President John Haberecht today.

He acknowledged Queensland Health’s current funding of the Care at the End of Life Project and specialist palliative care across the state. Palliative care, whether provided by specialist nurses, doctors or allied health staff, or GPs/other health professionals includes management of symptoms such as pain and shortness of breath, and provides psychological, emotional and social support to patients, families and their communities, and helps them deal with all aspects of death and dying such as financial issues.

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