Palliative Care Queensland

Qld Health wants to hear from you…

The Department of Health is undertaking a Queensland Health Palliative Care Services Review (the Review) to develop an informed and strategic approach for the Department’s future palliative care services with Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) and non-government organisations. We are now pleased to provide you, and your networks, with a copy of the Queensland Health Palliative Care Services Review Consultation Paper. The purpose of the paper is to start discussions about palliative care in Queensland and elicit your responses to some key questions.

We are seeking input from a range of stakeholders providing palliative care services including: HHSs, Primary Health Care Networks, non-government providers, peak bodies, consumers of palliative care services and their families and carers about:

  • the suitability and accessibility of existing palliative care services and service models;
  • the expected changes in demand for palliative care services in the future; and
  • preferred palliative care service models and arrangements for the future.

When and how can I provide feedback?

To ensure that you have your say and have input into the review, you are invited to provide a written submission. Go to the Get Involved website via the following link

We are also keen to hear the views of consumers of palliative care services and their families and carers and other community groups providing palliative care services. Please feel free to forward this invitation to provide feedback to consumers and families to ensure they can have their say

If you have any questions about the Review or consultation process, please contact The timeframe to provide feedback as part of the Review consultation process is between now and 24 August 2018.

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