Palliative Care Queensland

Going the extra mile for Ambulance Wish Queensland

On a sleepy Saturday morning, Brisbane explorers Cat and Andy won’t be hitting the snooze button, instead they will be hitting the road, trekking up mountains, paddling kayaks and riding their bikes through a 12-hour Adventure Race in Crows Nest, Queensland; all to raise much needed funds for Ambulance Wish Queensland.

Ahead of their expedition on the 27th August 2022, we caught up with Cat and Andy to learn a little more about this intrepid duo, the trials of the race and why they have chosen to support Ambulance Wish Queensland.

Cat, a Social Worker and Andy, an Engineer, are well aware of the challenge ahead as part of the Mojo Adventure Race, set in the scenic yet harsh landscape of Crows Nest, 150km west of Brisbane, Queensland. They have participated in various races before, but as Cat explains, “Not for a really long time. We have got an idea of the expectations, but it’s going to be a real challenge for 12-hours.”

Race participants need to be mountain bike and kayak fit, yet also navigate themselves along the course, which they only discover at the beginning of the race. Andy explains, “Due to the intentional lack of information that is provided in advance, it can be difficult to prepare, beyond ensuring you are fit, healthy and have a bike in good working order.” Cat adds, “You cannot do any planning ahead of time. You get the map on the morning before the race starts and then you decide which point checks you’re going to do. Navigation is done only using a compass, no phones or GPS trackers are allowed.”

The distance covered in 12 hours can vary significantly depending on the mix of foot, bike and kayak legs. Other variables include how often you can get lost and how many check points are made. “Post recovery is yet another challenge,” says Andy of previous events, “We’ve had our fair share of blisters and mozzie bites. Not to mention the sore legs!”

A true test of endurance, this race is also about psychological resilience. “Training for an event like this is a challenge,” said Cat, “and we are people who are motivated by a challenge, but particularly one where we can support the community through raising funds and our goal is to do just that.”

The pair have set an ambitious $1,000 donation target and explained how they are motivated by supporting community organisations that make a real difference. Cat notes, “as a social worker I see the benefits that supporting those in need has for individuals, families and the whole community. Ambulance Wish Queensland, through their amazing program makes a real difference to wish recipients. I love the fact that most wishes are simple, a visit to the beach with family or a Gold Class movie experience, whatever is meaningful to them, is the least we can do as a community.” Andy was inspired by a tv show, where someone was given the chance to view one last sunset at the beach, “That was very powerful and you could see it meant so much. The idea of granting a dying wish to someone who knows they don’t have long to live is both important to the receiver, but I imagine it also provides some lasting fond memories for their families and loved ones at a difficult time. The ability to grant a dying wish is priceless.”

With Cat’s enthusiasm and stamina, teamed with Andy’s navigation and strategy skills, we are sure they will achieve an amazing result whilst raising awareness and funds for the Ambulance Wish Queensland program. Everyone at Ambulance Wish Queensland and Palliative Care Queensland, along with our community of care, will be cheering the duo on!

You can support Cat and Andy by donating at GiveNow – Adventure Race for Ambulance Wish Qld


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