Palliative Care Queensland

Become a Foundation Partner of the Ambulance Wish Queensland Program

The story about our program – the first of its kind in Australia – and our first wish recipient Betty Dowsett, literally went global. It was picked up by media outlets from Poland to Perth with a potential reach of nearly 80 million and a social media burst that blew us away.

Betty’s family tell us she did not stop talking about her day out and it brought her enormous joy right up until she passed away just five weeks later.

But now, we need your help to deliver this for as many Queenslanders as possible.

The Queensland Government has gifted us a de-commissioned ambulance and we are busy recruiting volunteer health professionals and support staff. But we now urgently need financial support for the fit-out and ongoing operation of the vehicle, training of our crews, special stretchers and wheelchairs for our wish recipients and to fund the wishes.

If the launch was any indication, this is going to be a very popular program when we open it for wishes at our Annual Awards Gala Dinner on December 1 and it also will provide great opportunities for businesses with strong values to connect with the community.

This is a unique opportunity to be connected to the program from the beginning.
We are seeking Foundation Year Partners and would the opportunity to discuss this and other potential sponsorship opportunities with you.


Contact our partnerships team:



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