Ambulance Wish Queensland delivered its fifth wish today as our team of volunteers helped Joyce to realise one last wish and create memories forever. Her wish was simple to visit her family home and enjoy a cup of tea in her newly renovated kitchen.
With so many of us spending more time at home than ever before, we sometimes forget just how fortunate we are. Our homes are places of safety and sanctuary, and being unable to go home is something that for many of us is unthinkable. Today, Ambulance Wish Queensland delivered our fifth wish, enabling Joyce to visit her Brisbane home, one last time.
Joyce and Thelma are the best of friends. Neighbours in Brisbane’s Morningside, they have been part of each other’s lives, sharing the best and worst of times like only true friends can. Like many friendships, a chat over a cup of tea is the cornerstone of their relationship as they have put the world to rights in Joyce’s kitchen.
But for the last 20 years, one topic of conversation has been often discussed, without a satisfactory conclusion; Joyce’s kitchen. As with many families, the kitchen is the heart of the home, a never-ending bustle of comings and goings, catch-ups, chats and celebrations, and Joyce has always wished for one thing, a modern kitchen.
Over the last few months, renovations have taken place at Joyce’s home, and she now has the kitchen she always dreamed of.
Currently, in specialist palliative care at St Vincent’s Private Hospital Brisbane, Joyce informed her carers of her new kitchen and the team contacted Ambulance Wish Queensland who were delighted to help.
Staffed by volunteers and supported by Queensland Health, Queensland Ambulance Service and in partnership with St Vincent’s Private Hospital Brisbane, this program of Palliative Care Queensland arranged for safe transport and a clinical support team to take Joyce on her final trip home, where she was able to enjoy a cup of tea in the company of her family and friends.
Palliative Care Queensland’s CEO, Shyla Mills takes up the story “As soon as learnt of this wish we knew we could help fulfil Joyce’s wish.
“Ambulance Wish Queensland’s purpose is to fulfil last wishes and create memories for people at the end phase of life.
“For everyone involved, it was an honour to help realise Joyce’s wish. The occasion was filled with love and happiness as Joyce, her family and her long term neighbour, Thelma, came together to share a cup of tea in Joyce’s dream kitchen,” said Ms Mills.
For Joyce, there is nothing more special than enjoying time with friends and her family in her home. Today, for a moment in time that will last forever, Joyce’s wish came true.
Ambulance Wish Queensland would like to thank everyone who made Joyce’s wish come true, especially our volunteers and support team, Matt, Rachel, Natasha and Paul as well as our donors and supporters who make this program possible.
About Ambulance Wish Queensland
Ambulance Wish Queensland is a program of the charity Palliative Care Queensland.
Palliative Care Queensland (PCQ) is an independent not-for-profit peak body and charity supporters Queenslanders to live, die and grieve well. To donate to this wonderful program
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Ambulance Wish Queensland is run entirely on donations, if you would like to support us to deliver last wishes, please visit