Palliative Care Queensland

The grief, bereavement and spirituality community of practice aims to bring together a dedicated group of individuals, communities and teams focused on the growth and enhancement of equitable, compassionate spiritual care for bereaved people.   

The community of practice meets every two months.  

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The Compassionate Communities Network aims to serve as a collaborative and supportive platform to share resources, knowledge sharing, and unite individuals, organisations, and communities in Queensland, dedicated to promoting compassionate practices and support for those navigating serious illness, death, caregiving, and grief. 

The network meets every two months.  

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The Specialist Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Community of Practice, will enable passionate nurse practitioners specialising in palliative care to share information, experience, concerns and innovation to drive improvements, provide collective support and develop advocacy. 

If you are a specialist palliative care nurse practitioner, express your interest below:

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