Community led deathcare & the communal medicine of ritual
As Deathwalker, a Celebrant and an educator Zenith Virago has led pioneering work with individuals and communities to take after-death care and death related ceremony back into their own hearts and hands for over 30 years.
In this episode, Zenith shares insights from and reflections from starting practice as a Deathwalker at a time when death care in Australia was far more institutionalized than today, through the decades later as a community educator and Tedx speaker who has now trained many hundreds of community members in the traditional skills of community deathcare and ceremony.
Zenith also offers practical insight on the unique ways that ceremony and ritual can support grief and healing beyond the boundaries of linear time.
Natural Death Care Centre – Zenith Virago’s webpage
Zenith’s Interview with ABC – Not quite what I had planned
TEDx Byron Bay – Zenith Virago: Disrupting Death. A guide to dying well
Become a Deathwalker – Training with Zenith
Zen and the art of dying – feature-length documentary portrait of Zenith and her work