Palliative Care Queensland

Mrs Karen Gower RN Grad Dip (Cancer Nursing) Master Nursing Science (NP)

Karen was the Clinical Nurse Manager of the Wesley Palliative Care Service from 2003 to 2013 having worked in Oncology since 1989. In 2011 she attended QUT Kelvin Grove to complete Masters in Nursing Science to become a Nurse Practitioner (NP).

In 2013 Karen joined Blue Care – Metro North Community Service, as the first community NP for Blue Care. She was fortunate to be part of a project funded through Department of Health and Ageing to ascertain if having a nurse practitioner working with the community domiciliary service would support palliative clients and their families to care for their family member at home. These clients were, generally, in the last three months of life due to a life limiting illness. Working with the client’s GP and or specialist palliative care service at their treating hospital as part of an integrated service showed a significant improvement in service provision and the position was supported to continue across Metro North once the project finished in 2015.

In 2015 Blue Care were fortunate to win a Metro North Queensland Health tender to provide community palliative care funded by Queensland Health. Family satisfaction surveys showed families felt supported to continue caring for their loved one at home and grateful to be able to fulfil their family members wish to remain at home.

In 2017, with changes to funding in Metro North, Karen joined the Metro South Palliative Care Service Queensland Health working part time delivering palliative care in the community whilst continuing to work part time with Blue Care. It has been a privilege to journey with these clients and their families enabling them to remain in their place of choice – whether that be in their own home or in hospital.

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