Direction 5 of the Townsville Area Palliative Care Plan for 2020-2024 is Advance Care Planning (ACP).
People in the Townsville Area are highlighting this space with the aim to “Initiate ACP conversations where they have not yet begun and continue conversations where they have started.”
Action Statement
We will initiate Advance Care Planning conversations where they have not yet begun and continue ACP conversations where they have started
Why is this Direction important?
ACP promotes care that is consistent with the person’s goals, values, beliefs, culture and preferences. It prepares the person with palliative needs, their family and carers, to plan for the palliative care journey and a time when the person may no longer be able to communicate those decisions themselves.
Priority actions
5.1 Co-design with people with palliative care needs simple culturally appropriate ACP information materials for aged care and palliative care workers, people with palliative care needs, their families and carers.
5.2 Increase the use of interpreters if English proficiency is a barrier.
5.3 Co-design with LGAs and people with palliative care needs culturally safe community appropriate spaces to commence and/or continue the ACP discussions.
5.4 Implement awareness raising campaigns that focus on beginning ACP discussions early.
5.5 Provide targeted education to health and social professionals to improve their confidence and knowledge on initiating discussions and translating ACP documents into delivery of care.
What does success look like?
- Values and preferences acknowledged and valued.
- Support and a safe space to talk about end-of-life goals and preferences.
- Families and carers are supported to be involved in ACP discussions.
- Increased number of completed ACP forms for residents within aged care facilities.
- Increased community awareness of the benefits of an ACP document.
- Health and social professionals have improved confidence in embedding ACP documents into care plans.
How can you be involved?
Download and read the Townsville Area Palliative Care Plan for 2020-2024
Watch the Townsville Talks Advance Care Planning Video
Learn more about the CELC-Townsville project