Palliative Care Queensland

Kam Biman Program Supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders on their Returning to Spirit Journey

Palliative Care Queensland Interim CEO John Haberecht recently attended the launch of Metro North Health’s Kam Biman project. Kam Biman, which means ‘cover’ in Gubbi Gubbi, is a range of beautiful blankets available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Metro North patients who are on their Returning to Spirit (palliative care) journey. Intended to provide warmth and comfort when accessing palliative and end-of-life care in hospital, families are encouraged to keep the cover as a symbolic token of their loved one after they have returned to Spirit.

Sorry Business Consultant and former PEPA Queensland Indigenous Project Officer, Eliza Munro, was inspired to develop and deliver the project by her Aunty Mary Munro, who hand-crocheted a blanket to cover those who had returned to Spirit and were being viewed by loved ones in the hospital mortuary on Anaiwan Country. The project was funded by a grant from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Team of Metro North Health to PEPA (Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach) Queensland and had enthusiastic support from Aurora Hodges, PEPA Qld Manager

“It was wonderful to attend the launch of Kam Biman,” said John. “Cultural aspects of end-of-life care can often be overlooked, and initiatives such as this help connect communities with care and break down barriers which may have previously prevented patients and families seeking care.”

“We believe passionately that everyone should have access to quality care regardless, and initiatives such as Kam Biman should be applauded as they will make a genuine and positive difference. On behalf of Palliative Care Queensland, I would like to congratulate Aurora and Eliza on the launch of the project and Metro North for their leadership through their support of Kam Biman,” said John.

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